We now offer Telehealth!
Unable to come into our clinic?
We can still help you with:
- Injury assessment and management
- Pre and post op rehabilitation
- Basic pelvic health assessment and management
- Education, self care and exercise prescription
- Working from home ergonomic setups
- One on one exercise sessions from the comfort of your home
The service will be provided via the Coviu online video service
What do you need at home?
- Access to a camera- preferably hands free
- Enough space for you to stand up and movement around (2-3 metres worth of space)
- Appropriate clothing for the injury or issue of concern
Sessions cost $65 for 30 minutes however if you are referred to Physiotherapy via your GP or via DVA, your session will be bulk billed. There are also a good number of private health funds now providing a Telehealth Physiotherapy code so that you can claim part of the cost back through your private health. Please contact your private health fund directly to see if they are participating.
Call 9446 3833 to book in for your first Telehealth conference. However, for those that can, we are still more than happy to see you in clinic.